Music Encoding Conference, 2017
Preconference day - Tuesday 16 May
9:00-9:30 ACCUEIL
09:30-17:30 — Andrew Hankinson, Laurent Pugin – Community development practices for MEI and Verovio
> One break morning at 11:00 – one break afternoon at 15:30
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-17:30 — Perry Roland – MEI Introductory Workshop
18:00-21:00 — Benoist Pierre – Welcome at the CESR
Conference day 1 - Wenesday 17 May
09:00-09:10 — Philippe Rigaux, Richard Chesser – Introduction
09:10-09:30 — Vendrix Philippe (President of the University of Tours) – Ouverture
09:30-10:15 — Elaine Chew – Keynote 1 – Time and the Limits of Music Notation.
10:15-10:45 BREAK
10:45-11:15 — David Lewis, Kevin Page, Andrew Hankinson – Capturing context and provenance of musicology research
11:15-11:45 — Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza, Gabriel Vigliensoni, Ichiro Fujinaga – A unified approach towards automatic recognition of heterogeneous music documents
11:45-12:15 — Reinier de Valk, Marnix van Berchum, Peter van Kranenburg – Music encoding, formats, and data sustainability
12:15-12:45 — Johannes Kepper, Maja Hartwig, Kristina Richts, Perry Roland – Relating Content: How MEI, EMA and FRBR can be used to trace compositional processes across works
12:45-13:45 LUNCH
13:45-14:15 — Martha Eladia Thomae Elias, Karen Desmond – A Methodology for Encoding Mensural Music: Introducing the Mensural MEI Translator
14:15-14:45 — Anna Plaksin, Jacob Olley – Creating an Encoding Workflow for a Critical Edition of Ottoman Music Manuscripts: Challenges and Solutions
14:45-15:15 — Jelmer van Nuss, Geert-Jan Giezeman, Frans Wiering – Searching musical incipits by means of sequence alignment
15:15-15:45 BREAK
15:45-16:15 — Andrew Hankinson, Ichiro Fujinaga – Intergrating the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) with MEI
16:15-16:45 — Tim Crawford, David Lewis – Early modern cover song detection: finding concordances in mixed-notation corpora of early music
16:45-17:15 BREAK
17:15-17:45 — Jan-Peter Voigt – Creating an Import/Export Infrastructure for GNU LilyPond
17:45-18:15 — Daniel Harasim, Fabian Moss, Markus Neuwirth, Martin Rohrmeier – Beethoven's String Quartets: Introducing an XML-Based Corpus of Harmonic Labels Using a New Annotation System
Conference day 2 - Thursday 18 May
09:00-09:30 — David Lewis, Kevin Page, David Weigl, Richard Lewis – Music and Drama: linking libretti and scores
09:30-10:00 — Claire Arthur, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz, Craig Sapp – MEI, Humdrum, and music 21: A comparison of music encoding systems and toolkits
10:00-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:00 — Urs Liska – Advanced Data Management with LilyPond – Creating a Powerful Infrastructure to Manage a Complete Edition Set
11:00-11:30 — Craig Stuart Sapp – Verovio Humdrum Viewer
11:30 BREAK
11:30-13:00 POSTER SESSION
Richard Freedman
MEI as Quotable Text
Elisa Novara, Susanne Cox, Joachim Veit
Encoding musical variants in MEI. A survey of the first module of “Beethovens Werkstatt
Kristin Herold, Maja Hartwig, Daniel Röwenstrunk, Peter Stadler
Moves like swagger - look into my API and you'll own me
Emiliano Ricciardi
Tasso in Music Project: New Features and Analytical Tools
Nico Schüler
The Development of Computing Technology and Its Influence on Music-Analytical Methods and Encoding: 1940s through 1980s
Norbert Dubowy, Felix Gründer and Franz Kelnreiter
The Digital Mozart Edition as a digital music edition
Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza, David Rizo, Jose M. Iñesta, Ichiro Fujinaga
About agnostic representation of musical documents for Optical Music Recognition
Rodolfo Zitellini
Typesetting Basso Continuo figures with MEI and Verovio
Xuanli Chen, Yu-Hui Huang, Serafina Beck, Radu Timofte, David Burn, Luc Van Gool
TAMIR: a toolbox for recognition and transcription of music manuscripts in mensural notation
Vincent Besson, Mickael Boulas, Marco Gurrieri, Valerie Jouet
Linking the Omeka CMS and MEI viewers: TiKiT®MUSICA
Sylvaine Leblond Martin, Nidaa Abou Mrad, Karim Elloumi, Talar Atechian, Josée April
Music encoding as a theoretical approach for research
Anna Plaksin
Computer-assisted stemmatic analysis of mensural mass music
Daniel Ross
Record / Analyse / Generate / Perform
Klaus Rettinghaus
MEILER – creating beautifully engraved notation for print from MEI data on the fly
Emilio Grazzi
Typographers typedesigners and punchcutters involved in music publishing and their legacy in digital score production
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-15:00 ROUND TABLE
— Johannes Sturm, Alice Tacaille, Chao Du, Weiping Wang, Vincent Boucheau, François Picard – Encoding and Researching Chinese Music
15:00-15:30 BREAK
15:30-16:00 — Marcin Konik – Database of Polish 17th and 18th century songbooks - case study
16:00-16:30 — Jane Ellen Harrison, Daniel Shanahan – Introducing a corpus of French compositions for exploring social interaction and musical change
16:30-17:00 BREAK
17:00 -17:15 Board / MEC 2018
17:15-18:00 — Joachim Veit – Keynote 2 – Music Encoding as Initiative and Inspiration: a vision through the eyes of a traditional editor
19:00-23:00 DINNER
Un-Conference day – Friday 19 May
9:00 - 10.30 Community meeting
10.30- 11.00 BREAK
10.30-16:00 Self-organised activities running in parallel (eg opportunities for Special Interest Groups to meet)
16:00-17:00 Meeting to report back